
A collection of 470 posts

'Through' vs. 'By': What's the Difference?

In the context of space and location, use "through" to indicate movement while being surrounded by something. We use "by" to indicate proximity.

Through vs. Throughout: When to Use Each

In this post, we will explain the difference between "trough" and "throughout." We also clarify when to use each with examples.

Is It 'Learned' or 'Learnt'?

Both "learned" and "learnt" are valid past tense forms of the verb "learn." In the U.S., however, "learned" is much more common.

'Study' vs. 'Learn': What's the Difference?

"Study" typically refers to the activity itself (reading, analyzing, practicing, etc.) "Learn", by contrast, focuses on the outcome of that activity.

Prepositions After 'Learn'

The choice of preposition after "learn" can significantly alter the intended message, and mistakes are not uncommon.