"Savings" is a plural noun. You can use it to speak about the money that you have saved.
"Savings" is a plural noun. You can use it to talk about the money that you have saved.
Patricia used all her savings to buy a new car.
The noun "saving" (without "s") also exists. What's the difference between "saving" and "savings"? "Saving" refers to an action; it's a process.
The deal resulted in an important saving in costs over time.
"Savings", by contrast, is what has been saved. It's a stock.
Steven decided to withdraw all his savings from the bank.
Plural nouns, like "savings", take a plural verb, so we say "savings are/have", not "savings is/has". They also take a plural pronoun.
My savings are losing their value because of inflation and taxes.
My savings is losing its value because of inflation and taxes.
Other financial-related terms that are also plural nouns: