Is It a UID or an UID?

It’s a UID. Since the abbreviation UID (Unique Identifier) begins with a consonant sound (the letter "u" sounds like “you”), we use the article “a”.

It’s a UID. Since the abbreviation UID (Unique Identifier) begins with a consonant sound (the letter "u" sounds like “you”), we use the article a.

A UID is an alphanumeric string that identifies a single entity within a given system.

An UID is an alphanumeric string that identifies a single entity within a given system.

The rule for using "a" or "an" is based on pronunciation, not spelling, and the initial sound of the acronym UID is a consonant.

The system will assign a UID in the range of 5000 to 5099.

You cannot assign a UID that is in use by another local user account.

We also say "a U" (not "an u").

The abbreviation UID begins with a U.

A partial list of abbreviations that begin with "u" but are preceded by "a":

  • a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object)
  • a UK (United Kingdom)
  • a UN (United Nations)
  • a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
  • a URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
  • a US (United States)
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