Most British English speakers say a herbaceous since the “h” is typically silent in British English. Americans, however, choose the article (a/an) that best suits their own pronunciation.
Most British English speakers say a herbaceous since the “h” is typically silent in British English. Americans, however, choose the article (a/an) that best suits their own pronunciation. Remember, the rule for choosing between a and an is based on the sound made by the following word, not on how it is spelled.
Red clover is a/an herbaceous perennial plant.
Another example:
It is a/an herbaceous plant which contains a wide range of nutrients.

Source: Google Books Ngram Viewer

Source: Google Books Ngram Viewer
Follow the same practice with the derived forms herbicide, herbivore, and herbivorous.
I bought a/an herbicide that you can find in your grocery store.
As for the words herb and herbal, most English British speakers pronounce the "h". In American English, by contrast, the "h" is more often silent.
It is also used as a herb. (British English)
It is also used as an herb. (American English)