It’s a euphoric state. The words euphoric and euphoria begin with a “you” sound, not a vowel sound.
It’s a euphoric... The words euphoric and euphoria begin with a “you” sound, not a vowel sound.
Markets are in a euphoric state.
Markets are in an euphoric state.
To determine which way to go when choosing between “a” and “an”, your decision should be based on the sound the word starts with, not the actual letter it starts with.
This is a highly addictive drug that can leave you in a euphoric state.
Follow the same rule with other related phrases and expressions, such as a euphoric mood, a euphoric feeling, a euphoric moment, a euphoric effect, etc.
She is clearly in a euphoric mood today.
It was the first time in my life that I experienced such a euphoric feeling.
It was a euphoric moment.

Source: Google Books Ngram Viewer
Similarly, the adverb "euphorically" takes the indefinite article "a", not "an".
It can be used to treat a euphorically compulsive video game addiction.
Other words that start with “eu” and take the article “a” are: