Capitalization in English: a Comprehensive Guide

We capitalize a word when we start it with an uppercase letter while the rest of the letters are in lowercase.

Articles With Names of Symptoms and Diseases

Because most symptom names are countable, they usually require an article (a, an, the) or another determiner to identify or quantify the noun.

A Complete Guide to Using Commas with Adverbs

We will discuss when to use and when to avoid a comma before or after a regular adverb, a sentence adverb, an adverbial clause, and an adverbial phrase.

Combining 'Through' with Other Prepositions

The preposition "through" often couples with other prepositions, like "into," "across," "under," and others to convey more nuanced spatial, temporal, or contextual ideas.

Is 'Through With' Informal?

The phrase "through with" is generally considered to be neutral in tone. It is widely accepted in both spoken and written English across various contexts.

How to Use 'Throughout' in a Sentence

"Throughout" indicates that something is happening in every part or during the entire time span of a particular area or period.